Representatives of the CDS took part in the “Schuman Security and Defence Forum 2024”
- 07.06.2024
- Posted by: CDS
- Category: News
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On May 28-29, the Schuman Security and Defence Forum 2024 took place in Brussels. Among the speakers is Victoria Vdovychenko, program director of security programs at the Centre for Defense Strategies. We share with you the main theses that Victoria voiced during her speech at the forum.
- There is no sign that Russia has abandoned its goal to subordinate Ukraine. Rather, it is adapting to the demands of a long war and marshalling superior resources to wear down Ukraine.
- When you hear rf statements suggesting that certain actions by Europeans would cross a red line, and if these warnings are heeded, rf uses this as leverage to deter or prevent such actions. Given the necessity for consensus among all 27 member states on this side, rf relies on the likelihood that there will always be one or two members who will adopt their narrative.
- Values became not only visible but tangible: if you continue business with Iran, if you buy oil and gas in rf, we already know it.
- While strategic vision is important, there is a pressing need for more tactical, on-the-ground considerations in supporting Ukraine. The need to address how russia circumvents sanctions, and identify and sanction intermediary countries and companies involved in facilitating russia’s military supply chains.
Ukraine’s unique expertise lies in our understanding of how the rf facilitates the transition of the free world to autocracy where a hybrid toolbox is being so successfully used.